Living and working in Nebraska, there are certain iconic things that become entrenched in your blood. Things, that, no matter how hard you try, are inescapable.
What am I speaking of, you ask? Well, I’ll tell you. Corn, insurance, and football.
The first two, although not especially exciting, certainly have their uses. Who hasn’t popped a cob in the microwave, started a multi-room fire and called their insurance agent bawling at three in the morning? Football, however… football is inspiring. Football is invigorating. Football is life. And in Nebraska, if fans aren’t literally *on* the field, they’re tailgating.
At Outpost12, we are lucky enough to work and play with *the* best tailgate in Lincoln- The Tailgate by Blur Parties. The Tailgate is the official party of the Husker Alumni Association for away games, the largest private tailgate in Lincoln, and the only party in which you can do both a “shot-ski” and a “chug board”. In the coming months we will help them develop their brand, enliven their audio/visual at the games, and yell “1, 2, 3… Social!” as loud as we can.
So, maybe we’ll change those three things to football, football, football. Game on.
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